Special Frquency Can Kill Virus. - YouTube  









Frequently Asked Questions

The statements contained on these pages have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This technology is NOT considered scientific by the FDA, nor is it even recognized.   The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still bans "treatments" similar to those of the Royal Rife machine.  We do not make any inferences that this machine is for medical treatment.  They are used for personal experimental purposes ONLY.  


General FAQs

Is it safe?
YES.  Rife type frequency exposure is non-invasive in the sense that the skin is not broken and there is no damage to normal, healthy tissues and cells etc.  The frequencies scanned through are purposely only in the range that may be harmful to bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc....    Bio-frequency exposure is non-toxic as opposed to most drugs, and is non-damaging to normal tissue in contrast to surgery.  (little or no side effects other than the standard kill-off effect, i.e. Herxheimer, caused by any modality that destroys pathogens and necessitates the body having to clean up and detoxify the mess; this is a well known and documented effect of any protocol that actually works.) It has no ionizing radiation and so cannot cause damage to tissue, the immune system, DNA breakage, etc....   We have never even heard of even the slightest side effect or danger from using frequency generators, except some standard “flu-like” detox symptoms, and emotional outbursts. (Common when detoxing)

Can I use it with other protocols?
YES. Rife type frequency exposure can be used synergistically with other wellness protocols without the danger of harmful interactions as is the case with many drug therapies.  There are certain contraindications for use but these are few and are thoroughly covered in the usage manual.  (heart issues) 

What does this technology work to combat?
It is not fully understood, but research indicates it can be effective with most microbial-based issues. (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites).  Whether this is from actually killing microbes or stimulating immune response is uncertain, some researchers feel it may be due to BOTH responses.

Is it electricity?
Yes, basically.  Specifically, square-wave or sine wave audio and radio frequencies. (Similar to those floating around you right now.)

Is a frequency generator all I need?
Bio-frequency exposure can work seemingly miraculous results when it comes to improving health.  However, we strongly believe that through diet, supplementation, cleansing, oxygenating, and drinking only clean water (not bottled), you can dramatically improve results and greatly reduce recovery time.

How long before I see results?
Everyone is different!  If you have specific issues you are dealing with, then you need a way to actually test your progress.  You may be feeling much better, but it is always prudent to know how you are progressing internally. In many cases, this is where your doctor must come in to the picture. (and usually tries to talk you out of trying anything "alternative"... the catch 22) Generally, the window of recovery is reported to be usually within 30-120 days, depending on many factors.  (diet, water, other protocols, unknown causal affects such as toxicity, environmental issues, etc.)  Many people report "feeling better" within 2-3 weeks.  Some not of course.

Can I direct the frequencies where I want/need them?
YES.  Frequencies can be focused on a specific physical location where other modalities could not penetrate without surgery, or without losing effectiveness, e.g., the inside of the teeth and gums, the lungs, deep inside the liver, brain, the arteries and arterioles, bones, etc.... 

Is this technology used by Doctors?
Generally, not in the U.S.A.  The FDA prohibits it's use. Frequency generator technology is currently being used by doctors in Germany and all over the world in conjunction with other effective therapies that have been declared illegal in the USA.  Frequency therapy is unknown or very misunderstood by most MDs.  This may be due to the prejudice against electro-medicine that has been fostered and taught since the early 1930’s with the advent of the FDA as an enforcer of drug-based, allopathic medicine. (There was a time when the Chiropractors had to fight for their very existence to become part of the mainstream etc. Chiropractic nearly went the way of raw milk and clean water and air.) 

Did Royal Rife use an analog or digital machine?
Royal Rife used powerful analog, vacuum tube-based frequency instruments that delivered frequencies in the lower half of the radio frequency range.  All of Rife's experiments and his successes were based on using analog radio tube-based equipment, which could be tuned just like a regular radio to the desired station, or in this case frequency.  These frequencies were beamed through the air, requiring a lot of power. John Crane was Rife's Research Partner and Chief Engineer for many years.  Crane subsequently used digital technology to try to replicate their earlier work, and introduced contact pads to the equation.  This allowed for much less power requirements, and subsequently led to the new generation rife type generators outputting frequencies in the lower audio range.

What is the difference between the output of the FREQUENCY INSTRUMENT and the output of the RAY TUBE?
Frequency instruments deliver frequencies through direct contact while Ray Tubes transmit frequencies indirectly through the air. If you hook up any frequency instrument to a microscope, any frequency, at any strength will destroy any microorganism!  The reason being is that the direct contact is many many times more powerful than indirect contact. The ray tube, being an indirect contact device, requires much more power at the higher frequencies to deliver it's output. In other words, it requires more power to drive these higher frequencies (in the megahertz range) to be effective in your experiments. 

What frequency range should the machine operate in?
In his laboratory, Rife experimented with the entire spectrum of frequency.  The highest recorded frequency (for cancer) was over 17,000,000 hertz.   When directing energy to the human body, however, the radio frequency and audio range is the safest. The mortal frequencies repeat several times over throughout the spectrum by virtue of harmonics. The lowest mortal spectrums – the audio range – are considered the base frequencies.  

What different frequency delivery methods are there and what are the limitations of each?
There are several types of instruments currently available using different methods to deliver the frequencies they output to the body.

a) MAGNETIC DELIVERY – This kind of machine has a coil or chamber and uses pulsed magnetism. Magnetic delivery is the same as broadcast delivery in that it lacks the electro-stimulus effect, which can only be accomplished by direct application.

b) BROADCAST DELIVERY – Remember the Ray Tube Rife used with his microscope in order to determine the mortal frequencies? Many have continued to experiment with this type of device in treating humans. The external tube treatments used with today's ray tube equipment are either set up in a room for a radiation effect, or they are of a small design that is slowly passed over the targeted area of the body. The design of the tube and the gas contained in it determine the type of effect that the machine can achieve.

c) DIRECT APPLICATION DELIVERY – It's this author's opinion that the best way to transmit frequencies through the body is without any interference in between. The frequencies can be conducted directly by pads body- wide by using hands and feet, or they can be placed on the exact treatment area. This concept makes a lot of sense after thinking about broadcast frequency machines. Clearly, a machine that is capable of direct contact and that has enough power to get the job done is needed for proper penetration.  

What does the equipment cost? Am I getting what I am paying for?
$1825 is the base price for the unit itself.   $2445 when you add the optional Amplifier to be used for absolute best possible penetration.  You get the best frequency generator available. (Pads, cylinders, Frequency Listing sold separately)  Price goes to $4870 if you add the M.O.P.A amplifier and Plasma lamp.

Is the government or medical community doing any testing with this technology?
We are in no way able to know everything going on within this field.  It's been our general observation, that the answer is "yes, kind of".  Most reports we see are incomplete and/or are performed without directly applying Rife theories.  We have seen one clinic in San Diego that offers a similar treatment, but costs 10's of thousands of dollars to complete treatment.   (It's my personal feeling when/if the FDA and AMA ever feel the pressure to succumb and allow rife technology to be applied, the cost for a machine like ours will explode a 1000 fold.  BigPharma does NOT want these machines to be available to the public.)  



Frequency Generator FAQ’s

Q: Does your frequency generator output its frequencies digital or analog?

A: Analog.

Q: Does your frequency generator use crystal controlled frequencies for high accuracy.

A: Yes it does for the RF carrier frequency. It also goes beyond using crystal-controlled frequencies. It also uses digital frequencies output from a DSP (Digital Signal Processor).

Q: How does your frequency generator output it's frequencies analog when they come from a digital DSP chip?

A: It uses a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter). This type of electronic circuit is used in all modern analog frequency generators. The frequencies are output from a DSP, (Digital Signal Processor) then go through the DAC and then through a low pass or band pass filter and come out converted to analog. These frequencies are phase-locked-looped for perfect accuracy. By this method we have all the harmonic content of the old antique vacuum tube frequency generators along with the digital accuracy. No old antique frequency generator has the frequency accuracy of today’s modern equipment. This method is now the standard in the industry.

Q: Can your frequency generator output the original high RF (Radio Frequencies) Dr. Rife used in the 1934 clinic?

A: Yes. It has a frequency range from .01 to 20 million hertz (20 Megahertz), plus it uses an optional carrier wave to produce harmonic sidebands.  (very important) 

Q: I have been told that Dr. Rife used a ray tube, not pads. Is this correct?

A: Yes, early on.   Dr. Rife found that the method that he needed to use for his experiments on microorganisms was a ray tube. He did not need to have the ray tube but it made it easier to do his testing. He could have used metal wires but they will heat the test media to the point that the heat will kill the organism. The heating of the organisms would have made it three or four times harder to do his experiments. Dr. Rife was not against the use of a metal antenna because the ray tube is an antenna which uses noble gases. Here is a statement from Dr. Rife that shows that he felt using a metal antenna from a radio station would be a good method to use:

RIFE: “You know we had an idea when we had our Clinic [in 1934] in La Jolla, of course that was battery and motor generator operated that set, you know, and boy it would sure raise the devil with all the radios so we had a couple of cars that was equipped with car radios and we sent them out and we would take the switch of that thing, and had a code you know like an S.O.S., and one of them went up north, and one of them went south from La Jolla.  Before we started in we wanted to see how far we were going to disturb things with it you know, and incidentally we had it in a steel room, a steel lined vault about this size at the old Ellen Scripp’s home.  It was the vault in the library of the Scripp’s home where they kept their valuable manuscripts and books in all steel lined and a door on it like a safe.  We had the thing inside of that too, but it didn’t make much difference, but we started in, and one car lost the pick up on top of Torry Pines, and the other one half ways through Mission Beach picked it up, and then they could go a hundred feet and lose and then they would have to pick it up again.  Old Henry [Henry Siner] the boy that was with us out there, one of the lab boys, boy he went up in the air.  He says, “By God” he says “look, we’re going to fix them up right.  At two o’clock we’ll hook this up to a big radio station, a big transmitting station, and at two o’clock next week we’ll broadcast for tuberculosis, and at half past three the week after we will broadcast for cancer, and everybody at the radio will pick it up”.  See, boy I said Henry that really is an idea.”  (John Marsh Collection, Trip to Ohio Papers, Page 7, www.rife.org)

As you can see Dr. Rife felt that Henry Siner’s idea was a good one. Hand cylinders are stainless steel and when they come in contact with a person it turns the body of that person into an antenna. This is the method that is used with pad instruments.

Q: I have been told by manufacturers of various "Ray Tube" devices that "pad" instruments have "skin effect" where the frequencies do not penetrate the body but only go across the surface of the skin. Is this true?

A: No. If the human body was a copper wire this would be true, but it is not. Our generator utilizes an RF (Radio Frequency) 3.1 MHz carrier frequency with the use of low audio frequencies. Scientific tests called “Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis” have shown that frequencies of 1 Megahertz (1,000,000 cycles per second) or higher will penetrate bone and cells. This is one of the many reasons why it uses a 3.1 MHz carrier frequency to modulate or piggyback the low audio frequencies on. This method of modulation makes it so the low audio frequencies will penetrate the cells and bone of the body. Low audio frequencies when used without a carrier frequency only go through the connective tissue between the cells of the body.  These scientific studies were done by many universities during the development of MRI machines.

Since Ray Tube manufacturers have brought up this point we will discuss it a little further. There are two types of “Ray Tube” instruments. One type uses a carrier frequency and the other type does not. The type that does not use a carrier frequency is referred to as an EMEM. These work by using coils which create a very high electro-magnetic-field. They seem to work very well but no scientific tests have been done on this type of ray tube instrument to determine if it can fully penetrate the cells and bone of the body. Testing has shown that they do produce some RF components but this is not the same as an RF carrier frequency. Dr. Rife used an RF carrier frequency in all his audio ray tube instruments.

The other type of ray tube instrument does use a carrier frequency. These manufacturers also modulate the audio frequencies onto the carrier frequency. These RF ray tube instruments are patterned after the 1950’s ray tube instrument which was called the AZ-58. This instrument was built by Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh. Like our generator, these instruments (by the use of an RF carrier frequency) get full penetration of the audio frequencies into the cells of the body.

Q: What is the difference between the output of a contact or "pad" type instrument and the output of the RAY TUBE?

A: Contact or "pad" type instruments deliver frequencies through direct contact, while ray tube instruments transmit frequencies indirectly through the air. Direct contact makes it possible to get the full energy into the body without power loss. Indirect contact though a ray tube is very efficient as long as you keep the ray tube within several inches of the body. The laws of physics in regards to signal loss come into play when using a ray tube. It requires much more power at the frequencies to deliver its output. For every foot that you move the ray tube away from the body you have to divide the power output by the ray tube by a factor of 4. If you have 50 watts (power level used by Dr. Rife’s 1934 instrument) of power coming out of a ray tube then at one foot away from the ray tube you only have 12.5 watts.  At two feet you only have 3.125 watts and at 3 feet you only have about .78 of a watt. Because of this loss Dr. Rife had the doctors who used the instruments stay within 6 to 12 inches of the body with the ray tube. Today many ray tube instruments output about 100 watts or more. Their manufacturers recommend those who use them to stay at least 3 feet away from the ray tube. At one foot away from the ray tube you only have 25 watts.  At two feet you only have 6.25 watts and at 3 feet you only have about 1.56 of a watt.

With a direct contact instrument we do not have this power loss problem; therefore, we do not need to use anywhere near the same power levels used by a ray tube instrument. Our generator outputs 2.7 watts (5.4 peak). This is equal to a 50 watt ray tube instrument at just over 2 feet away from the ray tube. If the optional 15 watt (30 peak) amplifier is used, this is equal to a 75 watt ray tube instrument at just over 1 foot away from the ray tube. This is the benefit of a contact instrument. 

Q: When and why was the contact or pad instrument developed?

A: The first contact instrument was built in 1957 by John Crane and John Marsh. Photos of it are on this site. The ray tube instruments were very expensive to build and they wanted to build smaller instruments that would be less expensive. Even today many ray tube instruments are 3 times more expensive than pad instruments. John Crane and John Marsh took an off-the-shelf frequency generator and hooked up pads to it. These first pad instruments worked well, but were underpowered like most of the pad instruments built today. They tried to overcome the power problem with larger pads. The mistake they made was they didn’t use an RF carrier frequency. Because the off-the-shelf generator didn’t have a carrier frequency they no longer used one. Without the RF carrier frequency they couldn’t get the same results as the ray tube instrument. This is why our generator uses a carrier frequency so that the power of a ray tube can be incorporated into a pad type instrument.

The power output of the pad instruments on the market today that do not use an RF carrier frequency is only about 0.20 of 1 watt. Our generator, with the use of an RF carrier, is about 2.7 watts and is over 9 times more powerful than these instruments. With the use of the optional 15 watt amplifier it is over 50 times more powerful.

It appears that the reason that Dr. Rife did not like these non-RF carrier frequency pad instruments is because they were so badly underpowered that he felt they could not do the same job as a ray tube instrument. We showed earlier that Dr. Rife had no problems with the idea of using a metal antenna.      


Q: Why do the instruments built today only use low audio frequencies when Dr. Rife’s original frequencies were much higher?

A: The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) is the reason why. In 1935 Congress created the FCC and by 1936 they began to regulate the airwaves. Before 1935 there were no regulations to prevent Dr. Rife from using his high frequencies output through a ray tube. The frequencies output through the ray tube would travel about 12 miles in each direction from his laboratory. Dr. Rife said his equipment would “raise the devil” with all the radios. In 1936 Dr. Rife’s engineer, Philip Hoyland built the first audio frequency instrument. From this time on Dr. Rife’s original high frequencies were no longer used in any of the equipment. This of course made it so his instrument was not as effective. In the 1950s Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh continued to build this low audio frequency instrument. Today’s modern instruments were patterned after this low audio frequency instrument. We recommend that you read the paperA History of Rife’s Instruments and Frequencies."

Q: How can your frequency generator output Rife’s original high frequencies and the other instruments cannot?

A: Pad type instruments do not use ray tubes. They use hand cylinders and foot pads that come in contact with the body. This makes it so the body becomes the antenna. The body is not a very efficient antenna so the frequencies do not broadcast far enough to interfere with radio stations. This means Rife’s original frequencies can again be used. The reason our generator can output Dr. Rife’s frequencies is the manufacturer invested the money to build it so these frequencies could be used. Other manufacturers could do the same thing if they were willing to invest the money into their instruments.   

Q: Can modern “Ray Tube” instruments output Dr. Rife original high frequencies?

A: No. The FCC is the problem. Most of Dr. Rife’s original high frequencies are in the AM band of frequencies. The only frequencies that modern ray tube instruments can output are the low audio frequencies.

Q: Why does your frequency generator use a "RF Carrier Wave” with low audio frequencies?

A: The use of carrier frequency is the main difference between our generator and nearly all other pad instruments. All of the ray tube instruments built from 1936 to the 1950s used an RF (Radio Frequency) carrier frequency with low audio frequencies. These instruments all used a 4.68 Megahertz carrier frequency and modulated or piggybacked the audio frequencies onto that carrier frequency. Low audio frequencies are like the human voice, which cannot travel more than a short distance. A carrier frequency was used so that the frequencies could be broadcast through the air, by use of a ray tube, which made it so the frequencies could fully penetrate the body, including the bone. Without this carrier frequency, the audio frequencies will not go through all the cells of the body.


Q: Some Manufactures of other instruments claim that “there is no safe level of radio frequency (RF) for the human tissue.” Is this true?

A: No. In order to prove this we will need to give you all the facts. Dr. Rife’s 1923 to 1935 frequency generating equipment consisted of the Colin B. Kennedy Models 110, 220 and 281. He used the Models 110 and 281 at the 1934 clinic. All the frequencies used at that 1934 clinic were only RF Frequencies. These frequencies from this earlier equipment didn’t need a carrier frequency because all the frequencies were RF frequencies. These frequencies ranged from 139,200 hertz for Anthrax to 1,604,000 hertz for the BX Cancer virus. Dr. Rife found that only these high RF frequencies would resonate and kill the organisms they are associated with. We do not understand how anyone could say that “there is no safe level of radio frequency (RF) for human tissue” when RF frequencies are all that Dr Rife used from 1923 to 1962 in his ray tube instruments. In order to show proof that RF is safe to use we need to quote Dr. Rife because it is his technology. In a letter sent to Dr. Stein in 1953 Dr. Rife made this statement:

RIFE: “I have operated the frequency instrument since 1921. I have watched it advance in style and performance with the advancement of electronics. In the many years I have used this equipment in my research, I have never suffered an injury or any ill effects whatsoever. I found it reliable in performance and efficient in results.” 

On the John Marsh, Rife audio CDs Dr. Rife also made this statement about his RF frequency instrument:

RIFE: “I stood in front of that thing for thirty years finding these different frequencies that devitalize these different bacteria. And that thing [RF ray tube] was shooting on me right here [his chest], but it is absolutely harmless to normal tissue and each individual bacteria requiring a different frequency to devitalize.”

Here is another explanation that Dr. Rife gave on the John Marsh audio CDs of how the frequencies worked and how they were broadcast:

RIFE: “We take two tuning forks, pitched to an absolute C. We put one here, we put the other one over there. We strike this one, this one resonates. And we’re creating a frequency just the same as a broadcasting station [RF radio frequency] on the air throws out a given frequency for their particular band or wavelength that is susceptible and picked up through a receptive or receiver end of a radio.”

And here is my last statement made by Dr. Rife. There are several others but these I have quoted should be sufficient to prove the point beyond anyone’s doubt that Dr. Rife’s original equipment and frequencies were RF frequencies and were completely safe to use.

RIFE: “You know we had an idea when we had our Clinic [in 1934] in La Jolla, of course that was battery and motor generator operated that set, you know, and boy it would sure raise the devil with all the radios so we had a couple of cars that was equipped with car radios and we sent them out and we would take the switch of that thing, and had a code you know like an S.O.S., and one of them went up north, and one of them went south from La Jolla.  Before we started in we wanted to see how far we were going to disturb things with it you know, and incidentally we had it in a steel room, a steel lined vault about this size at the old Ellen Scripp’s home.  It was the vault in the library of the Scripp’s home where they kept their valuable manuscripts and books in all steel lined and a door on it like a safe.  We had the thing inside of that too, but it didn’t make much difference, but we started in, and one car lost the pick up on top of Torry Pines, and the other one half ways through Mission Beach picked it up, and then they could go a hundred feet and lose and then they would have to pick it up again.  Old Henry [Henry Siner] the boy that was with us out there, one of the lab boys, boy he went up in the air.  He says, “By God” he says “look, we’re going to fix them up right.  At two o’clock we’ll hook this up to a big radio station, a big transmitting station, and at two o’clock next week we’ll broadcast for tuberculosis, and at half past three the week after we will broadcast for cancer, and everybody at the radio will pick it up”.  See, boy I said Henry that really is an idea.”  (John Marsh Collection, Trip to Ohio Papers, Page 7, www.rife.org)

These statements of Dr. Rife’s show that these manufacturers know very little about RF and very little about the methods Dr. Rife used.

The statements quoted above show that Dr. Rife found that his RF frequencies in the ranges he used were as safe to use as the frequencies output by any radio station. These frequencies are broadcast through the air day and night passing through our homes without any harm to the human body. Dr. Rife used various power levels of RF energy. His instruments range from 8 watts, when he first began his work in 1920, to about 110 watts of power in 1935. Dr. Rife did mention, when he talked with Dr. B. Winter Gonin M.D. and John Crane, that power levels that exceeded about 110 watts he would not want to use on people.

(For more information read the attached paper “A History of Rife’s Instruments and Frequencies")
This paper has the complete history of Dr. Rife’s various instruments and the years he used them.

Dr. Rife used RF frequencies and their harmonics clear above 40 Megahertz (40 million cycles per second) without any harmful effects to himself or the animals that he treated. Since the only frequencies that Dr. Rife found that would kill microorganism were RF frequencies then we need to explain a few more things.

The low audio frequencies used during the 1940s and 1950s would not kill any organisms under microscope observations. These low audio frequencies are the only frequencies output by many of the so-called Rife type frequency generators. With the use of an RF carrier these audio frequencies produced very good results when Dr. Robert Stafford M.D. tested an RF ray tube instrument on his patients from 1957 to 1962. Dr. Stafford also did tests with a microscope and cultures because he wanted to see what would happen to the organisms. To his surprise they found that these audio frequencies would not kill any microorganisms. They observed these organisms with a microscope and also cultured them to see if they would grow in a new culture medium. The audio frequencies did nothing to the organisms. These tests lead him to believe that the low audio frequencies only boosted the immune system and nothing else. Dr. Stafford wrote a letter to Dr. Edward Jeppson in Salt Lake City on April 1, 1958 describing what had happened and his conclusions:

DR. STAFFORD: I have observed clinical results after treatments with this gadget (RF ray tube instrument) which I can scarcely believe myself.  Yet, despite these good results, I have been confused by some rather simple failures such as a recent experiment which I conducted at Good Samaritan Hospital where we used the machine to treat some cultures of Staph Aureus and Strept. Fecalis.  In this work we failed to inhibit growth at all or influence the cultures with the Rife Rx.  I sent the results to John Marsh and asked for clarification and to be very frank I am not satisfied with John’s excuse of the failure as described by Dr. Rife.  I am afraid I’m not a very good apostle for I’m getting some ideas myself on how this thing may work.  I really wonder if this ultrasonic kills bacteria and virus at all or does it work like other forms of ultrasonic and merely stimulate the tissue in some unusual manner thereby improving the circulation and secondarily enhancing the body’s defenses against infection.

Dr. Stafford used the RF ray tube instrument for 5 years and stated that he never found it to have any harmful effect upon his patients. Today almost all the instruments on the market only output these less effective low audio frequencies.  Our generator can output all of Dr. Rife’s high RF frequencies along with the less effective low audio frequencies. We are not against the use of these low audio frequencies because we also use them, but we felt that most people would also want the ability to use the same frequencies Dr. Rife used from 1923 to 1935.
Q: Some people claim that there are harmful frequencies. Is this true?

A: This question has both a Yes and No answer. Dr. Rife found no harmful frequencies below about 40 Megahertz (40 million cycles per second) when the proper power levels were used.  All Rife type manufacturers do not use frequencies higher than 40 Megahertz. These manufacturers, along with our generator, always stay within safe frequency ranges and power limits.  

Q: What is the highest frequency that your frequency generator can output?

A: 20,000,000 Hertz (twenty million cycles per second).

Q: Most other manufactures only have a frequency range to 10,000 hertz. Some go up to 21,275 hertz. Your frequency generator goes to 20,000,000 hertz. Why?

A: Dr. Rife’s original high RF frequencies are in this higher frequency range. As pointed out earlier Dr. Rife found no harmful RF frequencies or their harmonics up to over 40 million hertz (40 Megahertz). Our generator was built so it would be possible to use all of Dr. Rife’s original high RF frequencies, which he said would devitalize microorganisms. Below is a list of Dr. Rife’s high RF frequencies taken from his Kennedy equipment back in 1935.

Dr. Rife’s 1923 to 1935 Colin B. Kennedy equipment frequencies in Hertz



Actinomycosis (Streptothrix)




B. Coli (Rod form)


B. Coli (Filterable virus)


Bacillus X or BX (Cancer carcinoma & sarcoma)




Spinal Meningitis


Staphylococcus Pyogenes Aureus


Staphylococcus Pyogenes Albus


Streptococcus Pyogenes






Tuberculosis (Rod)


Typhoid Fever (Rod form)


Typhoid Fever (Filter passing)


( from Dr. Rife’s 1935 document showing these frequencies)


Q: Are the higher RF frequencies based on Dr. Rife's early work or on his later work with John Crane?

A: They are based on Dr. Rife’s earlier work from 1923 to 1935. The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) is the reason why Dr. Rife could no longer build his high RF frequency ray tube instruments. In 1935 Congress created the FCC and by 1936 they began to regulate the airwaves. Before 1935 there were no FCC regulations to prevent Dr. Rife from using his high RF frequencies broadcast through a ray tube. The frequencies output through the ray tube would travel about 12 miles in each direction from his laboratory. Dr. Rife said his Kennedy equipment would “raise the devil” with all the radios. In 1936 Dr. Rife’s engineer, Philip Hoyland, built the first low audio frequency instrument. From this time on Dr. Rife’s original high RF frequencies were no longer used in any of the equipment built. This of course made it so his instrument was not as effective. Dr. Rife at first thought Philip Hoyland was using his original high RF frequencies but later in the 1939 Beam Rays Trial, Dr. Rife found out that Philip Hoyland had changed the machine and was using only low audio frequencies. Here is a quote from Dr. Rife showing how much he disliked Philip Hoyland’s design:

RIFE: “I spoke only Friday evening to a Mr. John Chamblin, a radio man now connected with Beam Rays Inc., about the redesign and building of a device according to the old Rife Ray principles; as the present instrument has been so deviated away from that old principle that it is nowhere near the same...those devices which you have are merely working on a harmonic and not a true frequency; and in our research on electronics, we definitely know that there is no possible way of controlling electrical harmonics of a frequency.”   (Letter from Dr. Rife to Gonin, dated May 14, 1939)

In the 1950s Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh continued to build this low audio frequency instrument. The reason for this is that by 1940 Dr. Rife came to understand that the new FCC regulations made it so he could no longer build a ray tube instrument that would output his high RF frequencies. Because of these FCC regulations Dr. Rife had to put up with Philip Hoyland’s less effective design or no longer continue his work. Most of today’s modern instruments were patterned after these less effective low audio frequency instruments. As pointed out earlier, most instruments built today do not use the RF carrier frequency used in these less effective low audio frequency instruments. Dr. Rife did not like the fact that John Crane and John Marsh did not use a carrier frequency in the pad instruments they built. When Bertrand Comparet, Dr. Rife’s attorney asked him about these instruments that did not use a carrier frequency Dr. Rife made this statement to him:

COMPARET: “And I asked Rife, because I thought Rife would certainly say that the way Crane was working on it then was still using the Rife principle, but he indignantly denied it.”  (Comparet interview papers - 1970’s)

In the previously quoted statement, in which Dr. Rife thought that Henry Siner’s idea to broadcast the frequencies to heal people to be a good idea, shows that Dr. Rife had no problems using a metal antenna. Therefore John Cane and John Marsh’s idea of using pads was not the reason Dr. Rife disliked the pad instruments. It was the lack of an RF carrier frequency that Dr. Rife did not like. 

It is apparent that Dr. Rife was not happy with this style of pad instrument that had no RF carrier frequency. Below is Dr. Rife’s statement of the full range of his frequencies. You will notice that he puts many of his frequencies in the broadcast band of frequencies. The AM band goes from about 500,000 hertz to 1,700,000 hertz. Dr. Rife’s original high RF frequencies went from 139,200 hertz for Anthrax to 1,604,000 hertz for the BX cancer virus.

RIFE:  “Some of them are in the visible band, or I mean not only the visible band but, uh, band of frequencies audible [audio] to the human ear.  Some of them are way beyond either way.  They run through a very, very large gamut.  Some of them are very, very broad, long.  Some of them are...not extremely short.  There are none of them what we call our ultra short wave that I have found yet.  Well there’s many of them...we would, uh, classify in the ultrasonic band because they’re not visible [sic] with the human ear.  They’re way beyond you know.  And some of them are even in the broadcast band.  Your cancer is very high.  You can’t hear it, the oscillation.  But now you take your T.B. [Tuberculosis].  Now that’s down.  A little more you see...if you don’t have an absolute coordinative resonance, you have nothing.  One tenth of one meter off and you have nothing.  It’s got to be absolutely correct for that individual organism.  It’s got to be precise...the virus of cancer has a certain frequency.  And it has to be there, otherwise if it’s a little one way or the other, no good, no good for nothing.  Infrared will penetrate, yes, but the heat is not the thing because the heat is not the frequency, its [Infrared] way down in the very low band of frequencies and the laboratory rate of the BX is up into the high band.”  (John Marsh Rife CDs - CD 5 track 2, CD 6 track 2, CD 7 track 1 and CD 9 track 1)

Anyone reading this can see that unless you have an instrument that can output all of Dr. Rife’s frequencies you are limited to only the audio frequencies. Dr. Rife said that you have to have the correct frequency in order to have a resonate effect that will kill or devitalize an organism. The BX and BY cancer frequency is 1,604,000 hertz and the low audio frequency that Philip Hoyland used in his audio frequency instrument is 20080 and 21275. By the 1950s Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh lowered these frequencies even further to 2008 and 2128. Philip Hoyland’s higher audio frequencies were sine wave waveform and Dr. Rife, Crane and Marsh’s frequencies were changed to square wave waveform. This is how and when the square wave waveform was first used.

Below are both lists of the less effective low audio frequencies that are based on Philip Hoyland’s changes. Dr. Rife disliked these changes but later found that he had no choice but to use this method because of the FCC regulations. Before I give the frequency list I will quote a statement made by Dr. Rife, about Philip Hoyland’s changes, in a letter written on March 22, 1958:

RIFE: “Hoyland was like many men with whom I have associated over a period of years. In short time he began changing the basic principles of these instruments according to his own ideas.


All of this information is given to show that the Pro Wave and other pad devices do not use any of Dr. Rife’s original early work or his original frequencies. Below are both lists of the less effective low audio frequencies that are based on Philip Hoyland’s changes, which Dr. Rife disliked, but later found that he had no choice but to use because of the FCC regulations. Before we list these frequencies I will quote a statement made by Dr. Rife in a letter written on March 22, 1958:

RIFE: “Hoyland was like many men with whom I have associated over a period of years. In short time he began changing the basic principles of these instruments according to his own ideas.”

Philip Hoyland’s 1936 to 1939 low audio frequencies Later used in the 1940’s by Verne Thompson.

BX (carcinoma) 


BY (sarcoma)


B. Coli (rod form)


B. Coli (filterable virus)




Treponema (syphilis) 










Typhoid Fever (rod form)  


Typhoid Virus


Tuberculosis (rod form)


Tuberculosis (virus)





1950’s frequencies derived by lowering Hoyland’s frequencies

BX (carcinoma) 


BY (sarcoma)


B. Coli (rod form)


B. Coli (filterable virus)




Treponema (syphilis) 










Typhoid Fever (rod form)  


Typhoid Virus


Tuberculosis (rod form)


Tuberculosis (virus)





Q: I have heard that an instrument that uses impedance matching works better.  Is this correct? 

A: Yes. Impedance matching makes it so more energy can penetrate. Think of impedance as resistance. When the resistance is removed then more energy can flow in the direction you want it to go. This is why our generator has  used impedance matching since 2000. 

Q: How much more powerful is your frequency generator than other non-RF “pad” instruments?

A: Because of the use of an RF carrier frequency it is over 9 times more powerful than other “pad” instruments. If the 15 watt amplifier is used, it is over 50 times more powerful than other “pad” instruments that do not use a carrier frequency.

Q: Do I need the optional Amplifier?

No, you don't 'need' it.  The stand alone unit is already much stronger (2.7 RMS watts / 5.4 peak watts) than any other stand alone unit.  However, if you want best possible results, the extra power is needed.  If you want even better results, the Amplifier is how you do it.  (NOTE: this is only used in RF mode.  The RF signal can not be felt, therefore one can boost power levels.  The lower Audio frequencies CAN be felt, so power is limited to safe levels.  The Amplifier won't work in "Audio Mode".

The generator can operate in two different modes.

1:  Audio, which is the lower frequency mode. Other contact or pad type instruments only have an Audio mode output. In RF mode, our generator has an output of 2.7 watts (5.4 peak), however, many researchers who are experimenting with tenacious health conditions (or larger people with more body mass) want the maximum power available.

2: RF, which is the higher frequency mode for greater tissue penetration. The Amplifier boosts the 2.7 watt RF output to 15 watts (30 peak) of RF output. Also, the Amplifier gives additional sets of outputs so more than one subject can use the instrument at the same time, or 8 points of contacts can be used on one person.  (additional contact pads extra)  The Amplifier operates in the RF mode only.

Q: Do I HAVE to run the frequencies simultaneously in groups

No, you can change it to let it run them 1 at a time in sequence if you wish.  

Q: Do I need the optional Plasma Tube Amplifier?

It's simply a matter of preference.  Some people want to try to emulate Dr. Rife's early work as closely as possible, which means transmitting RF (radio frequencies) frequencies through a plasma tube.  This is a personal preference that each person must make. 

Q: Why was your frequency generator built to output up to 8 frequencies simultaneously while other instruments only output one frequency at a time?

A: To save time for the person using it.  Many programs have as many as 40 frequencies.   If you run 8 frequencies one at a time for the standard 3 minute time period it would take you 120 minutes. With our generator it would only take you 15 minutes. That is quite a time savings for those who do not want to spend hours using an instrument.

Q: Did Dr. Rife ever run multiple frequencies?

A: Yes, up to 10 at a time.

Q: Some manufacturers of other instruments claim that running more than one frequency at a time will cause too much conflict with the other frequencies and make it so some of the frequencies may not work, and that they may 'cancel out' one another.   They also say that running multiple frequencies creates conflict with the meridians of the body.  Is this true?

A: There is no scientific proof that running more that one frequency at a time conflicts with each other, or with the meridians of the body. Dr. Rife never found this to be the case.

Rarely are other frequencies created and when they are, they are generally beat frequencies which are considered beneficial.  The time saving benefit is the main reason most people prefer to use multiple frequencies. Even though frequencies combined together may seem to lose their individual clarity, all the components of each frequency are present. Think of an orchestra playing many different instruments. Though they combine together to make beautiful music, each instrument’s full sound components are still present and nothing is lost.

In order for a frequency to be canceled out, the same frequency must be introduced 180 degrees out of phase. Since our frequency generator does not output the same frequency 180 degrees out of phase the canceling of a frequency is not possible.

Dr. Rife ran many frequencies at the same time and found that there were not enough conflicts to make it so the frequencies did not work. We will now quote Dr. Rife and give proof that he not only used many frequencies simultaneously but found that not only did they work, but they worked very well. We will also show that Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh were building an instrument in the 1950s that would output 10 frequencies at the same time in order to save the doctors using the equipment both time and money. Here is Dr. Rife’s statement:

RIFE: “We found the frequency of the virus, we found the frequency of the rod, which we had for years of course.  But if we use the two of them simultaneously over the same carrier wave, the patient gets well and the Guinea pig gets well, but if you use one or either individually you either kill the patient or you don't do nothing". (Marsh collection, Rife audio CDs)

In Dr. Rife’s 1936 lab film, Dr. Rife showed that he could run 5 frequencies simultaneously. Why would he demonstrate this capability if he had not tested it?

In a letter sent to Dr. Robert P. Stafford on November 14, 1959 John Crane told Dr. Stafford about the new instrument they were building that would run ten frequencies simultaneously:

CRANE: “We are building various pieces of test equipment for the new Frequency Instrument and as planned now – it will only have one switch to turn it off and on. Everything else will be accomplished internally – all frequencies will be crystal controlled with 10 frequencies riding the same carrier wave simultaneously. 100% modulation is our goal which is the point of maximum transmission of energy”.

"It was this documented information that you have just read that caused us to build this generator so it could output up to 8 frequencies simultaneously. If we could have output more we would have, but this was the limit of the processor that we used. As you can see, the reason other manufacturers claim that the frequencies will interfere with each other is because their instruments can only output one frequency at a time." - AAA

Q: Does your frequency generator use codes or does it show the actual frequencies on the LCD?

A: It uses actual frequencies instead of limited coded frequency numbers. When you use codes for frequencies you limit the number of frequencies that your instrument can put out. With the use of actual frequencies the user is not limited to just the available frequencies. There are many frequencies listed on internet frequency lists that one may wish to use. At least half these frequencies on these frequency lists cannot be programmed into the instruments that use limited codes.

John Crane and John Marsh tried to hide the frequencies by just giving dial settings for the frequencies back in the 1950s. Philip Hoyland tried the same thing with the Beam Rays instrument built back in the1930s. The concept was later used by Kimberly Bailey back in about 1990 when she built a pad instrument. She did this to try and hide the frequencies from people who might try and steal her instrument technology. Since that time it has been continued until the present day. If people don’t mind this type of limited instrument then that is their choice. Most people do not want to be limited to a small number of pre-programmed frequencies and they also want to know the frequency they are using, not just a code.

Q: Why doesn’t your frequency generator display the actual medical condition on the LCD?

A: It has the complete list of frequencies available on the web programmed into its memory. The person who purchases it, or the distributors who sell it, can make sure that they are programmed into it. These programs are matched to numbers given in a list of 872 conditions. It does not have the conditions programmed into it for legal reasons. It is against FTC and FDA regulations to do this. If we put the names of the conditions into our instrument this would constitute medical claims. This would then make our instrument a medical device. We do not want to violate any regulations or to be considered a medical device. Other manufacturers have had legal problems in the past because of medical claims and testimonials put on their websites. This is the reason our generator is sold as a 20 Megahertz Sweep Function Generator and not a "Rife machine". 

The Universal frequency list and manual that is used  medical definitions included in it. People want all the information they can get. This is too much information for the LCD screen to display.

The final reason we do not put this information on the screen is a separate company builds and supplies the accessories such as the frequency manual, hand cylinders and foot pads. If we shipped this in the same box with our instrument it would also be considered medical claims. Herb manufacturers have had legal problems because they printed on the labels of their products what the herb could treat. The laws will not allow them to do this anymore because the government considers these to be medical claims. We do not desire to take any chances of having legal problems.     

Q: Some manufacturers build their instruments with built in rechargeable batteries. Why doesn't’ your frequency generator have this capability?

A: The reason it is not battery operated is because it is far more powerful than other instruments. Rechargeable instruments only have 28 volts peak to peak voltage output. Our generator has two different modes. One is RF and the other is Audio mode.   In the audio mode, which is the same square wave output as these other instruments the generator is 40 volts peak to peak. In the RF mode it is over a 100 volts peak to peak. These other instruments only output about 0.20 of one watt of power. Our generator in RF mode has almost 2 watts output. This means it is over nine times more powerful than all other pad instruments. Because John Crane and John Marsh didn’t use an RF carrier frequency their instrument was so badly underpowered that it just didn’t work as well as the ray tube instrument. This is the reason Dr. Rife did not approve of John Crane and John Marsh’s pad instrument. When you use an RF carrier frequency you can increase the power of a pad instrument to the power of a ray tube. This is the greatest benefit of using Dr. Rife’s method of RF energy.

It is not feasible to put batteries into this generator. The whole case is filled with electronics and this is necessary  to output all of Dr. Rife’s original RF frequencies, with power. Not just the low audio frequencies that other instruments output.

Q: Did Dr. Rife use gating and if he did, how does it work?

A: Gating is basically an advanced "pulsing" feature. It appears from all the information that we have that Dr. Rife instruments used some form of gating to produce the high potential spikes in the frequencies.  Our generator has the ability to gate any frequency. A square wave frequency works a lot like gating. Gating is the turning on and off of a frequency. A 50% duty cycle square wave is on for 50% of the time and off for 50% of the time. When using low square wave audio frequencies the gating feature is not that important, but some people on the various Rife lists believe it is helpful even when using these low audio frequencies.  Our generator allows you to turn the gating on or off, and to adjust the gating frequency (1 - 5000 Hertz) and duty cycle (10% to 90%) of the gate. Many frequency researchers feel that this gating, or pulsing feature greatly adds to the effectiveness of the technology. Gating is also believed to induce the effect of entrainment, which is defined as "the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony.

Dr. Rife used high sine wave RF frequencies in his instrument. Gating of these high frequencies produces a high potential voltage spike with a great deal of harmonics much like a square wave. Since square wave has worked better than sine wave it only stands to reason that gating would be very effective when using Dr. Rife’s high RF frequencies. This is the main purpose of gating.

Q: Why does your frequency generator have a 10% to 90% duty cycle when other instruments only use a 50% duty cycle.

A: The reason that a 50% duty cycle was used by Dr. Rife, John Crane, and John Marsh is this circuit was easy to build. Back in the 1950s when Crane and Marsh took an off-the-shelf function generator and created their first pad machine this instrument only had the capability to use a 50% duty cycle. The ray tube instrument also only used a 50% duty cycle. A 50% duty cycle means that the frequency is ON 50% of the time and OFF 50% of the time. Our generator, like other high end frequency generators, was built with the capability to use lower or higher duty cycles because all top end frequency generators have this capability. Many people were reporting on the Rife lists that they got better results using a 90% duty cycle on the low audio frequencies. A 90% duty cycle has 80% more resonance than a 50% duty cycle. Coordinative resonance was the basis of Dr. Rife’s life work. Why should a person be limited to only a 50% duty cycle when you can have one that is variable? We believe in having more features not less.

Q: Can your frequency generator sweep between frequencies?

A: One of the great features of our generator is that it is capable of doing two kinds of sweep functions.

1) SWEEP: Allows you to run a specified frequency range of your choosing, one frequency at a time. The instrument sweeps from your beginning frequency to your ending frequency.

2) CONVERGENCE SWEEP: Allows you to run two frequencies at a time over a specified frequency range of your choosing. The instrument sweeps from your beginning frequency to the ending frequency and at the same time sweeps from the ending frequency to the beginning frequency. The result is that the two frequencies sweep towards each other, then pass each other, one going up and the other going down and each ending where the other frequency began.

Q: I heard that sweeping frequencies does not work, as you need to run the frequency for several minutes on a specific frequency to destroy an organism?

A: This is not correct. Dr. Rife did a great deal of sweeping with his instruments. Written on one of Dr. Rife’s August 1935 lab notes is the information that shows that he was sweeping his frequencies and that sweeping was considered an important part of his testing. 

Aug 17 mice rayed with MOR-BX 3 min last 30 seconds variable.

Aug 18 rayed all three mice with MOR-BX at 4 min at 16cm 30 sec variable.

Aug 27 all three mice rayed for BX with new machine #4, 600 watts 1 min 300 watts 2 min 1 min variable. 

This lab note clearly shows that Dr. Rife was sweeping his frequencies. The 1936 to 1939 Beam Rays instruments also had a sweep switch on the front of the instrument.

Below this switch was a label that said “sweep.”   Sweeping is only on a frequency for a fraction of a second if you are sweeping over a large frequency range. Our generator has two kinds of sweeps. The regular sweep can go over any range from small to large.

Q: Why does your frequency generator have a channel sweep capability which varies the frequency slightly.

A: Our generator has the capability to sweep when running any of the 872 pre-programmed auto channels.Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D. said that they did not get as good as results if they tried to keep the frequency right on. He had better results allowing the frequency to wander, or sweep, over several hertz during the treatment of his patients. Because of this information the channel sweep capability is a nice feature to have in an instrument.

Q: Why do you use a membrane type keypad instead of the contact style.

A: Durability is the main reason. Membrane keypad switches are the industry standard and have been for many years. Almost all electronic devices that have keypads use them. They are built to last for many years. They replaced the contact style because they have fewer problems. They will generally outlast the electronics. We have had this type of keypad on our instrument for over 12 years under heavy use without any problems.

Q: How long will your frequency generator last?

A: Our generator is built to last a long time and 99.9 % of the instruments sold over the 15 years are still working fine. Some manufactures claim that there instrument will last a lifetime. We cannot, and will not, make that kind of misleading claim. We would be foolish to make such a claim.

Q: Is your frequency generator easy to use?

A: Yes. The 886 preset Channels ( a Channels stores up to 48 frequencies) makes it easier to start right away.  The DVD Guide is easy to follow.  To run a program all that the user has to do is press the Auto channel button, then enter the auto channel number using the keypad, then press the Run button.  It will then will run all the frequencies in the channel. Anyone can do this three step process.


To "Run Auto Channel 160", you would:


2) enter 160

3) press RUN

To "Set RF or Audio Mode”: 

1) press RF/AUDIO 1 time to see what mode you are in

2) press RF/AUDIO again if you wish to change modes


To "Set Sine or Square Wave Mode 

1) press SINE/SQUARE  1 time to see what mode you are in

2) press SINE/SQUARE  again if you wish to change modes


To "Change the Run Time" of your Frequencies or Groups: (to 3 minutes in this case)

1) press 3


3) enter 160

4) press RUN


To Run an Individual Frequency: (1000 hertz in this example)

1) press ENTER

2) enter 1000

3) press RUN




rufe_dvdsFor those of you who want to know as much as you can about Royal Rife; his instruments; how they worked; how many of today's frequencies were determined; and much more... we urge you to check out www.rifevideos.com

This is one the most comprehensive and painstakingly detailed sources of information on the topic.   The complete history of Rife, Hoyland, Crane, Marsh, and more.  A large collection of actual original notes and analysis of 





Rife Healing - Nina SilverFor those who want to learn EVEN MORE more about Royal Rife, his amazing machines, and up-to-date research in this field, we highly recommend the following book by Nina Silver, Ph.D.  A large amount of history in using frequency devices is included. Extremely interesting and valuable reading!!

Comments on "The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing":

"There is a complete paucity of well written material on Dr. Royal Rife. Resonant Frequency Therapies are essentially unknown to the populace as a whole. Yet hundreds of thousands of people, from the skilled professional to the layperson, are using such devices with phenomenal success in the treatment of disease. Dr. Rife's innovative technological discoveries involve many different scientific disciplines, and groundbreaking research in optical physics, electronics and the electronic treatment of disease. His legacy upsets the present scientific paradigm, but will eventually reshape our world. Dr. Silver's book should do much to dispel the clouds of ignorance of the genius of Dr. Rife, and help open the minds of people to what is now a worldwide technological shift. This Handbook is long overdue". - James E. Bare, DC,

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and author of "Prescription for Herbal Healing", "Prescription for Dietary Wellness", and "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" has this to say:  "This meticulously researched book examining the discoveries and inventions of Royal Raymond Rife provides new and ample documentation to lend credence to his theories. In addition, Dr. Silver's supporting information on a variety of wellness issues is fascinating. The chapters 'The Politics of illness and the Nature of Health' and 'Suggestions to Strengthen and Support Your System' are a compilation of cutting edge data, brilliantly interpreted. It is rewarding to see a new generation of health professionals postulating what I have been saying for 30 years. If you are interested in exploring Rife frequencies as an alternative source, or in acquiring new information to help with decisions about your health, this book will be a valuable addition to your library."

We currently don't have this book available.  You can buy it here. https://www.nenahsylver.com





Occasionally we stumble across article related tp radio frequency applications.  here's just a few. so far...

Ultrasound Cancer Treatment Kills Tumors in Mice...
January 29, 2003
London (Rueters)

Scientists at a Northern Ireland biotech company used an electric field and ultrasound to kill cancerous cells.

Radio Frequencies Used To Kill Agriculture Pests... (PDF)   February 11, 2003  Agricultural Research Magazine

The Agricultural Research Service, the chief scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with Washington State University and the University of California-Davis, is working on the commercial application of radio waves to kill agricultural pests.

Radio Waves Control Bacteria... December 6, 2002   Nature Science Update

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a way to switch cell processes on and off using radio waves.

Powerful electrical pulses might zap tumours...  16 March 2004  HELEN PEARSON 

Using very short, very powerful electric shocks, researchers are developing a way to jolt cancer cells into committing suicide, or healthy cells into healing wounds.




  EASY to use
  3.1 Mhz RF Carrier Wave (deep penetration)
  Highest frequency range (ALL Rife Freqs)
  9 Times Higher Output than others
  Runs Multiple Frequencies (up to 8)
  Generates Audio and Radio frequencies
  Runs Sine and Square waves
  Has other features that competitors do not
  Optional Amplifiers for even more Power
  Plasma Tube Broadcast available
This frequency generator is the most powerful, versatile, and complete device you'll find.

Closest thing to an actual Rife machine that exists, whether you prefer direct contact or broadcast method.

Email us for immediate complete details



Statements about Royal Rife, Rife machines, frequency generators, Dr. Clark zappers, etc. have not been reviewed by the FDA.